“If they cannot learn the way we teach,
we teach the way they learn.”

The Special Education Program at Cambridge Academy East (CAE) is grounded in the philosophy that ALL students can learn. A specific program is customized for every student with a disability, and a particular disability category does not automatically qualify a student for a program placement. Most students enjoy a combination of a variety of programs. In addition to the fully customizable continuum of services, all students have access to all academic programs, athletics, and activities. Our services and programs have been designed to meet a variety of students’ educational and social-emotional needs.

  • CAE Special Education Teachers and Aides

    Teachers and aides assist students in accessing grade-level curriculum with assistive technology and other supports provided in their IEPs.

  • Highly Individualized Approach

    “If they can learn the way we teach, we must teach the way they learn.” This philosophy guides our instruction to meet the needs of all our students through undivided attention and tailored lessons.